Articles on: SSL Certificates

Understanding SSL Certificate Chains and Root Certificates

Understanding SSL Certificate Chains and Root Certificates (cPanel Let's Encrypt)
At, we understand the importance of secure communication over the internet. One of the key components that ensure this security is the use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates. In this article, we'll explore SSL certificate chains and root certificates, specifically in the context of cPanel and Let's Encrypt.
SSL Certificate Chains
o An SSL certificate chain is a sequence of certificates that establishes a chain of trust from the server's certificate to a trusted root certificate authority (CA).
o The chain typically consists of the following certificates:
 Server Certificate: This is the SSL certificate installed on your website's server.
 Intermediate Certificate(s): These are certificates issued by the root CA to an intermediate CA, which then issues the server certificate.
 Root Certificate: This is the certificate issued by the trusted root CA, which is pre-installed in most web browsers and operating systems.
Root Certificates
o A root certificate is a self-signed certificate issued by a trusted root CA.
o Root certificates are the foundation of trust in the SSL/TLS ecosystem.
o Web browsers and operating systems come pre-installed with a list of trusted root certificates from major CAs.
o When a user visits a website with an SSL certificate, their browser checks if the certificate chain leads back to a trusted root certificate in its list.
Let's Encrypt and cPanel
o Let's Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA) that provides SSL/TLS certificates.
o In cPanel, you can easily obtain and install Let's Encrypt SSL certificates for your domains.
o When you install a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate in cPanel, it automatically configures the complete certificate chain, including the server certificate, intermediate certificates, and the root certificate.
Importance of Certificate Chains
o A complete and valid certificate chain is crucial for establishing trust between the server and the client (web browser).
o If the certificate chain is incomplete or invalid, web browsers will display security warnings, indicating an untrusted connection.
o At, we ensure that our SSL certificates are properly configured with the correct certificate chain to provide a secure browsing experience for our customers.
Verifying Certificate Chains
o You can verify the SSL certificate chain for your website using online tools or browser developer tools.
o In most web browsers, you can view the certificate details by clicking on the padlock icon in the address bar and navigating to the certificate information.
o This will display the complete certificate chain, allowing you to inspect the server certificate, intermediate certificates, and the root certificate.
At, we prioritize the security and privacy of our customers. By understanding SSL certificate chains and root certificates, you can ensure that your website is properly secured and trusted by web browsers and visitors alike.

Updated on: 08/05/2024

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