Articles on: Wordpress installation and configuration

How to install a WordPress plugin for caching

Here are the steps to install a WordPress plugin for caching on your website:
Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
Navigate to the "Plugins" section from the left sidebar menu.
Click on the "Add New" button at the top of the page.
Search for a caching plugin of your choice. Some popular options are:
o W3 Total Cache
o WP Super Cache
o WP Rocket (premium)
o Cache Enabler
Once you've found the desired plugin, click on the "Install Now" button next to it.
After the installation is complete, click on the "Activate" button to enable the plugin.
Most caching plugins will have their own settings page. Locate the plugin's settings under the "Settings" submenu in your WordPress admin area.
Configure the plugin settings according to your requirements. Here are some common options:
o Enable site caching
o Choose the caching method (opcode, disk, or memory)
o Exclude specific pages or post types from caching
o Set cache expiration time
o Minify CSS and JavaScript files
Once you've configured the settings, don't forget to save the changes.
Clear your website's cache to ensure the new settings take effect.
At, we recommend regularly updating your caching plugin to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress version and to benefit from any new features or bug fixes. Additionally, it's a good practice to clear the cache after making significant changes to your website, such as updating plugins or themes.

Updated on: 08/05/2024

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